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concave profile中文是什么意思

用"concave profile"造句"concave profile"怎么读"concave profile" in a sentence


  • 凹片内弧形面


  • Molded grating is composed of fiberglass roving combined with a thermosetting resin series designed for different environments and applications smg series standard grating has a concave profile on the upper surface for skid resistance , grit tops are available upon request
    采用玻璃钢模塑成型工艺,在大型金属模具上制作,制品带有许多对称的方形或矩形网格的板材,称为玻璃钢模塑格栅, smg为标准英制模塑格栅系列,按客户要求上表面带月牙凹型或石英砂防滑,也可以做成表面封闭。
用"concave profile"造句  
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